31 January 2011


The peas are growing and reaching out for the trellis with their tiny tendrils!! Squashes are doing well too. Yay!

28 January 2011

The Whole Gang's Here

Genever and Dorothy hanging with Mister, the neighbor cat. I think Mister and Genever have a thing going, and Dot got sick of it and decided to walk away...

27 January 2011


We decided to name the new cat Dorothy. AKA Dot, Dottie, Polka Dot, Little D. She's a love bug. Genever was hissing a lot the first day, but now, not even a week later, they're kinda sorta playing already! Chasing, that sort of thing. Definitely progress. :)

After Dot's first vet visit, we found out she has hyperthyroid, which is more common in older cats. Vet puts her at closer to 10 years old rather than 5. I don't know, she's got a lot of play in her! Either way we love her, and with daily pills we should be able to get the thyroid under control.

She is definitely settling in quite nicely.

22 January 2011

New Cat!

Genever got a big sister today! She doesn't have a name yet- SPCA called her Sara Sue, but we're changing that. She is about 5, and really friendly. Confined to the bathroom until the vet says she's healthy. There have been some growls and hisses from Genever so far, but I hope they will become friends. She's not as big as she looks here, plus she has a small head. Cutie!

19 January 2011

Sleepy G-cat

Genever relaxing on daddy's legs.. gotta love those beer pants too!

18 January 2011

Planting Day, Part 1

Peas along the zig-zag trellis, and 4 squashes along the front. Kind of making use of any space I can between the roses and other plants in the garden. I hope they grow big and tall!

17 January 2011

Sprouts - Day 7

They're growing pretty good so far. So far I have winter squash, peas, broccoli, tomato, and catnip. I am still waiting on green beans, spinach, eggplant, chives, and aster flowers. Today I'm going to mix compost in the garden, and peas will go in soon.

13 January 2011

My Seeds!

I sowed my seeds 2 days ago, from seed packets Darren gave me for xmas, and a few others I bought. (I later learned not to put seeds in the sun until they are plants. So I moved it from this sunny wondowsill after taking the photo.)

Winter Squash, Peas, Green Beans, Broccoli, Spinach, Tomato, Eggplant, Chives, Catnip for Genever, and Aster flowers. All the veggies are organic, and I will do my best to keep it that way.

And today, not even 48 hours after sowing, I have a pea spout already!

I can't wait for everything to grow, I hope it all works out. I'm hungry!

08 January 2011

Our Mutant Produce

Mutant orange that came off the tree today...

Unfortunately I can't find a pic of the mutant lemon we got off the tree a month or 2 ago. It was wild!

05 January 2011


Our tangerine tree in the backyard. Yummy!


Introducing my babygirl, the one and only Genever, aka G-Cat!
She is 3, and her 2nd anniversary of being with us will be on 25 January.

And sometimes she is very silly.

I'm in the now!

Hi there, welcome to e's place. I am so out of the loop with this technology stuff, and I don't do Facebook or Twitter, but I decided to start a blog just because. I'd like to post some photos of my cat Genever, some garden plants, and maybe some other random things. Enjoy!