27 April 2011

4 Years!

Today is my 4th Anniversary of arriving in California from Pennsylvania. I'm still here!!

22 April 2011

Cheap Beer, Slugs, and New Veggies

Thanks to the low low price of $2.99/6-pack at Trader Joe's, our garden slugs have a variety of beers to choose from for their night-time drowning pleasure.

I did taste these beers before pouring them for the slugs, just out of curiosity. Name Tag is really nasty, sweet and chemical tasting. Simpler Times Pilsner isn't so bad actually. It smells sweet but actually has a sort of decent pilsner taste. I still think I'll leave it for the slugs though. Next time I'll try Simpler Times Lager and Simpler Times Mexican Lager, also $2.99/6-pack. I like to give the slimy things a choice of beverages to drown in.

And since they're easily distracted by the beer, I now have broccoli!

And some lettuce!

And the peas are still going strong, and squashes are coming along nicely too.. Yum!

13 April 2011

Squash and Mutant Produce #3

I have a squash starting!

And the latest mutant lemon. My friend Jess and I think it looks like an elephant head. Yes? No?

05 April 2011

The results of the first night...

5 slugs in one of the three traps I set yesterday.

I plan to put in at least one more trap today, possibly two. I do feel bad about drowning them, but either they die, or my veggie plants die. Something has to die, so I suppose for now it will be the slugs.

04 April 2011


I decided if I want to have any broccoli and lettuce someday and continue to have peas, then I better make some slug traps. You know, small dishes in the ground filled with beer so the little alkies go for the beer instead of my veggies.. I don't really like the idea of drowning them, but, well, there ya go. I used Sierra Nevada Glissade, because I hate it and we have a bunch of bottles of it for some reason.

I put one on either side of the broccoli:

And one amidst the peas and squash:

And when I get a few more yogurt cups or 1/2 L lime mineral water bottles, I will put one or 2 by the lettuce.

So long, slugs!!