Snow peas!!
They are the tall mess of plants to the right of and as tall as the roses.
A pea pod before I picked it.
And 2 pea pods with a penny for size reference. They're so crisp and fresh and yummy!
28 March 2011
Inside the Mutant Produce
By request, the insides of that mutant lemon. Notice the rotten looking areas... I decided it was not fit for human consumption. Oh well, we have lots more on the tree..
24 March 2011
Happy Spring from the Desert!!
These were from Monday, and there was another rain system yesterday. Another one is expected to roll in tonight. Rain! Here! In late March! ????
18 March 2011
Mutant Produce #2
11 March 2011
I have a pea pod!
I can't wait until it's ripe and ready to eat- I never had fresh peas from the garden before. Hurry up peas!!
07 March 2011
I have a Pea Flower!
I noticed it on Friday. Not on the peas on the trellis, but on the peas I just threw in the ground, not thinking they would grow, but they did. Bonus!
On this one, the flower kind of blends in with the white wall, but it's just to the right of the shadows on the wall.