24 June 2011

Mutant Produce #5

Scary horned demon lemon

After cutting the lemon, it looks like there are no seeds in it. I think that's a good thing. Imagine a whole tree growing from a seed from this lemon! Scary!

20 June 2011

Mug Shot

Looking through the filing cabinet for some reason, I came across this photo which was stapled to Dorothy's information card at the SPCA. Yikes!! Had a good loud laugh over it though... ;)

Feel free to post any captions in the comments part below... There may be a prize in it for the best one!

04 June 2011


I found out by doing some internet searching that I am growing:

Spaghetti Squash

And Buttercup Squash! (also I have a rogue squash taking over my pea trellis)